Aiwesa Residents Appreciated The Habema’s Healthcare


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Senin, 18 November 2024 - 11:11 WIB

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Aifat Timur Tengah Maybrat, AgaraNews. Com //  One of the military units under the command of the Indonesian Armed Forces Operational Command HABEMA, the Task Forces of the Para Raider Infantry Battalion 501/Bajra Yudha Kostrad, is currently conducting mobile security at the border of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, especially in Maybrat Regency, Papua Barat Daya Province. On Sunday, 17 November 2024, the 501 Task Forces, especially the Kamat Post led by First Lieutenant Puji Handoko, conducted area security in the Aiwesa Village, Aifat Timur Tengah District. During the patrol, the Team met some local people complaining of sickness.

Upon meeting the residents, they immediately expressed their medical concerns. They had been experiencing sickness for days, and their condition had not improved. Fortunately, the Patrol Team included Medical Personnel from the 501 Task Forces. Recognizing the urgency of the resident’s condition, the medical personnel promptly examined and treated them. Following the treatment, the medical personnel provided the residents with free medication and vitamins to aid in their recovery over the next few days.

The Patrol Team’s action in Aiwesa Village followed up on the emphasis of the Commander of 501 Task Forces, Lieutenant Colonel Yakhya Wisnu Arianto, on the importance of the Task Forces’ attention to the community’s basic needs. After the treatment, one of the residents, Rino Tabuni, said, “Thank you, Commander 501. I am happy that the TNI is always helping the people. God bless.” This heartfelt thanks from Rino underscores the profound and positive impact of the TNI’s actions on the local community, a testament to the organization’s dedication and service.

After receiving the activity report, the HABEMA Commanding General, Brigadier General Lucky Avianto, acknowledged the 501 Task Forces’ initiative to provide health care to residents of Aiwesa Village. His words: ‘The 501 Task Forces’ initiative is a testament to TNI’s commitment to helping the residents with difficulties in the health sector, one of the community’s basic needs, to support the acceleration of development in the Papua region.’ This acknowledgment from the highest authority in HABEMA underscores the significant impact of such initiatives on the region’s development, instilling a sense of progress and hope about their potential to shape the region’s future positively. It also makes the Task Forces and the community feel recognized and appreciated for their efforts, fostering a sense of value and respect.(Lia Hambali)

Autentikasi : Dansatgas Media HABEMA, Kolonel Arh Yogi Nugroho

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